...about me...

Born 1962 in Istanbul (TR) and raised with 5 siblings in a greek-orthodox environment I enjoyed a happy childhood. After 6 years of primary school and an apprenticeship as a seamstress, I worked in this profession until I moved to Switzerland in 1982. The professional activity of my parents as church mesmerists aroused intense religious and spiritual feelings in me.


Because of this cultural background, reading coffee grounds has always been a part of my life, strongly encouraged by my mother. My family and my environment sensitized me to the spiritual qualities and vibrations and the karma of my fellow human beings. Some Greeks and Turks intuitively deduce from this the kismet (fate) of each individual.


In my years of marriage from 1983 - 1996 my two sons were born. After my divorce I was strongly challenged as a single mother with 100% employment. Thanks to the great support of my children we were able to master the future together.


After many years of work, my life developed according to my ideas and wishes. The acquisition of my own home enabled me to create a stable environment, to gain free time and to devote myself to reading coffee grounds in depth. I have been able to provide spiritual support to many people and to point out possible opportunities for the future.


A successful life marked by a beautiful childhood in the garden of the big family, an exciting youth with the journey to Europe, a challenging education to become a single family mother and maturing into a loving, strong but also sensitive friend and mother ... this is the sum of my life and for this I am extremely grateful.


Today I am in the here and now. I convey to people positivity, give them time and rest and bring about spiritual salvation.
Yours Caklin

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Kaffeesatz lesen kann nicht die Zukunft vorhersagen. Es hat lediglich spirituellen/esoterischen Charakter. Bitte melde Dich nur dann bei mir, wenn Du Dir darüber im Klaren bist. Danke!


Coffee ground reading cannot predict the future. It only has a spirutal/esoteric aspects. Please get only in touch if you are aware about this fact. Thank you!


Caklin T.| 9434 Au SG | E-Mail

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