Your expectations and my view do not need to be the same.

What does coffee grounds reading?

When we refer to fate, we refer to the issues that concern us the most:

  • job and education
  • family and relatives
  • relationship to partner and friends
  • Important decisions (e.g. major purchases)
  • Financial situation
  • Health/diseases

Due to the complexity of the sometimes intricate interrelationships and decisions in our lives, I generally try to apply coffee grounds like this:

  • It helps to identify possible opportunities and/or threats
  • It sometimes brings about changes to positively influence the future
  • Confirmation of inner feelings. It works like an "eye opening"

What can coffee grounds reading not do?

Earthly reason and reality are not the same in the spiritual world. Please be aware that there are things that cannot be read with coffee grounds: 

  • predicting lottery winnings or lottery numbers
  • diagnosing diseases or detecting them early
  • making binding statements, whether in terms of time or space
  • protect from danger
  • shoulder responsibility

Every individual can choose to implement the opportunities, tasks and possibilities indicated. Every decision has an influence on our fate.

Time horizons

All good things come in threes:


Please do not visit a coffee grounds reader in too short intervals. Give it time - my rule of thumb is 3 months.


We need 3 days, weeks, months and years to adapt to new circumstances or to go through changes.



  • You are (unconsciously) dissatisfied with your level of education because you are stuck in your job.
  • It takes 3 days after a session with me until you realise/accept (or even reject) it.
  • It takes 3 weeks until you have decided on further training.
  • After 3 months you have registered and submitted the documents.
  • After 3 years you have experienced the change or not. That is up to each individual.

My personal view of Things...

Reading coffee grounds is not a science. Nor is it a real instrument for predicting the future, nor does it have any real influence or validity with earthly laws. I always say: "Don't believe too much in what I say". When people let go of thoughts and fears, they live more light-heartedly - and that is our greatest goal: to live a light-hearted, happy life - of that I am convinced. And that means something different for everyone. There is a quote:


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words because they become actions.
Watch your actions because they become habits.
Watch your habits because they become your character.
Watch your character because it becomes your destiny.


Those who come to me bring their thoughts, words, habits, character and destiny. We are the sum of all our decisions. We are also exposed to "others" - mainly at home, at work or with friends. Every interaction leaves something in us - you could say "foreign vibes". This and your own vibe is transferred to my coffee and I try to recognize as much as possible in it. Fears I want to take away and if somebody sees barriers, I want to help to overcome them. We will not manage to change other people - we never will. But we can go through life with open eyes and active conscience and change ourselves, so that we will live more relaxed. It is always up to ourselves.

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Kaffeesatz lesen kann nicht die Zukunft vorhersagen. Es hat lediglich spirituellen/esoterischen Charakter. Bitte melde Dich nur dann bei mir, wenn Du Dir darüber im Klaren bist. Danke!


Coffee ground reading cannot predict the future. It only has a spirutal/esoteric aspects. Please get only in touch if you are aware about this fact. Thank you!


Caklin T.| 9434 Au SG | E-Mail

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