contact me for an appointment.

The simple session (45mins)

  • Please be on time so that we can take advantage of the time
  • We'll have a Turkish coffee together
  • Afterwards you swing your cup with the saucer
  • Flip the cup onto the saucer (always keep it closed)
  • We wait about 20 mins til the bottom of the cup cools down
  • I'll take care of your mug, and with it
  • the reading of the coffee grounds begins...


The simple session costs CHF 125.

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Kaffeesatz lesen kann nicht die Zukunft vorhersagen. Es hat lediglich spirituellen/esoterischen Charakter. Bitte melde Dich nur dann bei mir, wenn Du Dir darüber im Klaren bist. Danke!


Coffee ground reading cannot predict the future. It only has a spirutal/esoteric aspects. Please get only in touch if you are aware about this fact. Thank you!


Caklin T.| 9434 Au SG | E-Mail

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